I love the fact that Christians are looking to reach out with compassion to those who are refugees. I also love the fact that Christians are looking to God’s Word for guidance in this area.
Unfortunately, the refugee crisis in Syria has brought out the worst in many Christians who are quick to assign sinister motives to those with opposing viewpoints, imply that there is only one correct answer to this crisis, and/or belittle or mock anyone who disagrees with their own opinion. What kind of witness does this give to those outside the one true faith?
God’s Word has much to say about welcoming the stranger, compassion, and love. It also has much to say about the governing authorities protecting citizens by carrying out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.
So, by all means, let’s look at the various options by which these refugees can be helped. Let’s ask questions, listen to different points of view, and debate the advantages and disadvantages of each option. But most importantly, as Christians let us do this without slandering one another, without assigning sinister motives, and without haughtiness. Instead, let us put the best construction on everything and explain everything in the kindest way.
“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt.” [Colossians 4:6]