Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Non-Denominational Evangelicalism

After watching the opening mass event of the National Youth Gathering, I can say with 100% conviction: Thanks be to God for Higher Things!!!

There’s no shortage of youth in San Antonia this week who are “in love with” Jesus. Opportunities will abound to “praise” Him. And there will be lots of eye candy to boot. Most of these youth will even come home “pumped for Jesus” (whatever that means). But if the opening mass event is any indication of what Christianity is to these youth, is it any wonder why many are leaving the church (organized religion)—even Christianity (the faith)—in droves?

There is a split coming in the LCMS. A split between those who want to trod the path of non-denominational evangelicalism by watering down doctrine to make it “palatable” to a fickle culture and those who desire to remain true to historic Christianity. Contrary to popular belief, historic Christianity is not some stodgy, stale, dying relic from the past. It is the living voice of Jesus Christ, delivered in Word and Sacrament via a liturgy and hymnody that continues to incorporate the very best from every generation, and lived out by His people in their various vocations. Historic Christianity extols Christ and His good gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation. Non-denominational evangelicalism does not. It simply talks a lot about love and service and commitment, things that even a decent heathen can do.

Next week the youth of my congregation will attend the Higher Things From Above youth conference at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. They will participate in ten worship services, with the option of three more at the close of the day. They will enjoy four plenary sessions, each featuring deep, insightful, full-throttled, Christ-centered theology. They will also choose six quality breakaway sessions on various topics (from a list of more than 55). Yes, they will also have lots of fun and make lots of great memories in the process. But fun isn’t the primary focus. Christ is!

My advice to the Synod (though I doubt anyone up there is listening): Let’s stop feeding our children the sugary snacks of non-denominational evangelicalism and start feeding them the “solid food” of confessional Lutheranism. Let’s stop teaching our children to despise historic Christianity and start teaching them the treasures that have been passed down to us from our parents and grandparents. Let’s stop pandering to the culture and the “felt needs” of our youth and train them to love “the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:15) and the Lutheran Confessions (because they are in full agreement with the Scriptures).

Parents, give your children Christ at home in devotion, prayer, song, and example. Pastors, give the people entrusted to your care—both youth and adults—Christ in the Divine Service, in the prayer offices, in Word and Sacrament, in catechesis, in your pastoral care, and in your example. Don’t water down Christ. Don’t try to make Him more palatable to itchy ears. He is who He is! And you cannot be His without daily taking up your cross, crucifying your sinful flesh, and rising to newness of life in Him.

Extol Christ to our youth. He alone has the words of eternal life!

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